Narco politics rule as Ecuador goes to the polls

 Narco politics rule as Ecuador heads to elections

"Good evening Frank, this is Jalisco New Generation [Mexican drug cartel]," the message read in barely legible Spanish. "If you block me, you'll be in trouble. I need $6,000 [£4,710] - I'm watching you, your wife and kids."

Franklin Torres, the banana grower, ignored it - then, a few days later, another message arrived, this time to Franklin's wife: "Tell your husband to pull himself together, we're texting from jail and people are watching the window."

Ecuador is the world's largest exporter of bananas and the industry is a lucrative one - banana crates are a popular way of transporting cocaine between drug cartels, from Ecuador's ports and on to Europe and beyond.

Mexican and Colombian cartels infiltrated local gangs in Ecuador as they competed for lucrative drug routes. Once one of the most peaceful countries in South America, Ecuador has been hit hard by Covid and cartels have taken advantage of a country devastated by the pandemic - and corrupt politics.

In the first six months of the year, there were 3,568 violent deaths in the country, according to the national police. This was more than 70% more than last year. And as the country heads to the polls in the first round of presidential elections on Sunday, crime is front and center, especially after last week's assassination of one of its candidates, Fernando Villavicencio.

"[Villavicencio's murder] was a terrible tragedy," says political consultant Oswaldo Moreno. "It marks an inflection point where the politics of death is now a big part of the culture here."

There is no more powerful example than Guayaquil, Ecuador's largest city and home to the country's largest port. It has become the epicenter of the country's crime problems as cartels use its location and logistics to move drugs out of the country.

Presidential candidate Daniel Noboa chose Durán, one of the worst affected areas of Guayaquil, for his final campaign on Thursday. But he did it in a bulletproof vest. Along the way, there was a nearby shootout that sent everyone into a panic – such is everyday life in this crime-ridden city.

"We have to change the security situation in Ecuador," he told the BBC before the event, adding that his priority if he became president would be to tackle unemployment. "The problem is that by not giving people opportunities, we are feeding these organizations with new young members."

But for a poor country like Ecuador, it's a mammoth task — and a losing battle against the lucrative drug trade. A curfew was introduced in Durán after an increase in crime. Police checkpoints are set up along routes popular with drug traffickers, but the police are poorly equipped compared to drug gangs.

Some parts of the city feel like a war zone. In one neighborhood, a police station has sandbags piled up in its windows, which were placed after gangs attacked them. In another, nearly 20 patrol cars sit in the parking lot, rusting. Captain Victor Quespás Valencia explains that they simply do not have the money to repair them.

"Gangs want to gain territory. We are dealing with very violent deaths - people are found hanging from bridges or cut to pieces," he explains. "International criminal organizations recruit people here - but they have a lot of money. There is a complete imbalance between organized crime and the police trying to stop it."

So will these elections change the future of Ecuador? The vote is being held a year and a half earlier than planned after President Guillermo Lasso dissolved the National Assembly by decree to avoid an impeachment vote. He fears that amid political chaos, violence could stand in the way of democracy.

"Cartels are criminal organizations that have no ideology," says organized crime expert Pedro Granja. "They are criminal organizations that move illegal goods, they follow the same logic as the company. They are currently doing a market study - then we will see if they can paralyze the elections if they want to."

Regardless of elections, they paralyze people's lives. Angie Fuentes lives with her four children in Durán. The bars on all the windows in this neighborhood tell you all you need to know about the lack of security. he last few years have been tough for Angie – her father died of Covid and Guayaquil was hit hard. Bodies piled up in the streets and the authorities were unable to cope with the sheer number of people dying.

But while the Covid vaccine has helped limit the spread of the virus, criminal gangs are now offering a new type of vacuum, as they call it - hand over the money the criminals demand and in exchange for extortion, you'll get immunity from violence.

Narco politics rule as Ecuador goes to the polls

Not that it's that straightforward. Last month, a neighbor was shot outside his daughter's school, so Angie has exempted her children from having to attend - but authorities refuse to offer virtual lessons from home despite the danger. "All I want is security," Angie says. "It's the only thing that will allow us to take our children to school without risking them being hit by a stray bullet."

It's a war that experts say has no end in sight, especially as demand for cocaine has soared in Europe and as far away as Australia. "You can end civil war and war between countries," says Pedro Granja. "But ending the drug trade is absolutely impossible - people will continue to take drugs."

As Ecuador stands at a pivotal moment and prepares to cast its votes in the upcoming elections, the specter of narco politics looms large over the nation's political landscape. This phenomenon, characterized by the intermingling of drug cartels and political power, has raised concerns not only in Ecuador, but also internationally. As citizens prepare to decide the fate of their country, it is imperative to delve into the depths of narco-politics and its potential impact on elections.

Understanding Narco Politics

Narcopolitics, the disturbing convergence of the illegal drug trade and political power, plagues nations around the world, and Ecuador is no exception. The complex web of connections between criminal syndicates and political figures can lead to corruption, distortion of democracy and erosion of governance. The Ecuadorian population is very aware of the presence of narco politics and its influence has sparked debates, protests and demands for a transparent political arena.

Upcoming Elections: Crucial Crossroads

Elections are around the corner and Ecuador faces a critical choice. Citizens evaluate candidates not only on their policy proposals, but also on their potential susceptibility to narco-politics. Keywords such as "narco politics," "Ecuadorian elections," "political corruption," and "drug cartels" are at the forefront of public discourse, reflecting a collective interest in these issues.Narco politics, Ecuadorian elections, political corruption, drug cartels, political influence, democracy, governance, candidates, policy proposals.

Nexus between Narco politics and political candidates

The influence of drug politics on elections is a multifaceted problem. Past allegations and controversies have linked some candidates to criminal elements, raising alarm about the potential compromise of democratic processes. Voters are looking for assurances that their elected leaders will not succumb to the lure of illegitimate power. As campaigns intensify, narratives surrounding candidates and their relationship with narcopolitics become focal points, affecting their public image and credibility.  Narco political influence, political candidates, democratic processes, campaign narratives, affiliations, public image, credibility.

Protecting Democracy: The Role of Transparency

Amid concerns about narcopolitics, demands for transparency have grown. To restore trust in the democratic system, the transparency of campaign finance, political affiliation and the background of candidates is paramount. Voters are looking for comprehensive information to make informed decisions, and candidates who favor transparency are gaining ground. This shift underlines the   finance, political affiliation, candidate backgrounds, informed decisions, protecting democracy, political transparency.

As Ecuador prepares for its election, the shadow of narco politics casts a long and imposing silhouette. The entanglement of drug cartels and political power is a pressing issue and prompts debate about the integrity of the democratic process. The election result promises to shape the nation's trajectory and either strengthen the fight against narco-politics or allow it to persist. With keywords like "narco politics," "Ecuadorian elections," and "transparency" dominating the conversation, it's clear that the people of Ecuador are determined to steer their country toward a brighter and more accountable political future. Narco politics, Ecuadorian elections, democratic process, accountability, political future, drug cartels, transparency.

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