How Taiwan is driving partnership with Africa


How Taiwan is driving partnership with Africa

How Taiwan promotes partnership with Africa

The President of Taiwan, Dr Ing-Wen Tsai, is scheduled to visit Africa's diplomatic ally, the Kingdom of Eswatini, from 5 to 8 September 2023. This will be President Tsai's second visit to the Kingdom, following her first trip in April 2018.

In March 2023, Eswatini Prime Minister Cleopas Dlamini and his wife led a delegation of officials to Taiwan. During this visit, President Ing-wen Tsai emphasized that Taiwan and Eswatini jointly produced medical masks during the COVID-19 pandemic. He (President Tsai Ing-wen) also mentioned areas such as trade and economy, public health, information and communication technology that strengthen cooperation between Taiwan and Eswatini.

President Tsai's first visit to Eswatini in April 2018 was to celebrate Eswatini's 50th anniversary and also to congratulate King Mswati III of Eswatini on his 50th birthday. During her visit, President Tsai discussed with the King issues of common interest that could strengthen bilateral cooperation between Taiwan and Eswatini.

How Taiwan is driving partnership with Africa

As a sign of reciprocity for President Tsai's state visit to Eswatini in April 2018, King Mswati III of Eswatini also landed in Taiwan for a state visit in June 2018. The king was accompanied to Taiwan by his wife, children and Eswatini officials.

The essence of President Tsai's second upcoming visit is to demonstrate the value Taiwan places on its partnership with its diplomatic ally Eswatini in the areas of sustainable development, economic and social progress, education and improvement of public health, as well as raising medical standards as a whole. This is so that the true meaning of equal partnership and mutual respect between nations prevails and mutually beneficial relations can flourish and grow in the long term.

Taiwan has long been regarded as a "force for good" by the international community. Thanks to the excellent results of Taiwan's aid to the Kingdom of Eswatini, Taiwan's style of offering the best to our international partners in the development of their countries has become most evident in Africa.

This year marks the 55th anniversary of the diplomatic alliance between Taiwan and the Kingdom of Eswatini, as well as the celebration of the independence of this great kingdom. The Kingdom's fruitful and concrete development efforts and cooperation have shown how Taiwan values ​​its relations with its allies. Through various aspects of technical assistance covering medicine, public health, agriculture, education and training, among others, Taiwan has not only expressed love to the Taiwanese, but also offered substantial and responsible support to the kingdom for several decades until now.

The Kingdom of Eswatini has always been a strong supporter of Taiwan's sovereignty and participation in international affairs so that Taiwan's democracy and economic and technological development can be seen and appreciated by the world. This is the true friendship of unwavering mutual support in Taiwan-Eswatini relations.

President Tsai's visit to the Kingdom of Eswatini is a demonstration of Taiwan's goodwill and support to our African partners and friends; it will definitely strengthen Taiwan's commitment to helping African nations for a better future.

The visit also symbolizes that regardless of the existential challenges Taiwan faces in its struggles against oppression, and regardless of the geographical distance between Taiwan and Eswatini, true friendship will endure and true friends will hold each other in high esteem with strong commitments to mutual support.

In recent years, Taiwan has been strategically expanding its presence in Africa and building strong partnerships across the continent. This move is not only aimed at strengthening diplomatic relations, but also at promoting economic growth and development. In this article, we will explore how Taiwan promotes partnership with Africa and the significant impact this has on both sides. We will also discuss some relevant keywords that highlight key aspects of this collaboration.

Diplomatic ties:

One of Taiwan's main goals in Africa is to strengthen its diplomatic relations. As a nation with limited global recognition, Taiwan is focused on forming partnerships with African countries. This diplomatic contact was essential in securing Taiwan's support on international platforms. Taiwan-Africa diplomatic relations, diplomatic relations, international recognition.

Taiwan's engagement with Africa goes beyond diplomacy. The country has been actively involved in promoting economic cooperation through trade and investment. Taiwanese companies have made significant investments in sectors such as agriculture, technology and infrastructure. Taiwan-Africa economic cooperation, trade relations, investment opportunities.

Help and Development:

Taiwan has also played a key role in supporting development initiatives in Africa. TaiwanICDF (International Cooperation and Development Fund) has been instrumental in providing aid, technical assistance and capacity building programs to various African nations. TaiwanICDF, development assistance, capacity building, technical assistance.

Technological transfer:

Technology transfer from Taiwan to African countries has been a key driver of their partnership. Taiwanese expertise in areas such as information technology, renewable energy and healthcare has been invaluable to Africa's development. Technology transfer, IT expertise, renewable energy sources, healthcare solutions.

Agricultural cooperation:

Taiwan's advanced agricultural techniques and research have been shared with African nations to improve agricultural productivity. This collaboration not only strengthened food security, but also facilitated the exchange of knowledge. Agricultural cooperation, food security, knowledge exchange.

Health initiatives:

Taiwan actively supports health initiatives in Africa, providing medical equipment, training health professionals and sharing best practices. This has been particularly important during global health crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare initiatives, medical equipment, healthcare training.

Cultural exchanges:

Cultural exchanges between Taiwan and African nations have helped promote mutual understanding and appreciation. These exchanges include educational programs, art exhibitions and music festivals. Cultural exchanges, mutual understanding, educational programs.

Taiwan's strategic partnerships with Africa have ushered in a new era of cooperation that spans diplomacy, economics, technology and development. This cooperation has not only benefited Taiwan by expanding its global presence, but has also contributed significantly to the growth and development of Africa. As these partnerships continue to strengthen, we can expect even more positive results for both Taiwan and Africa.

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