Many Strains of a Dangerous Foodborne Bacteria Are Now Antibiotic-Resistant


Many Strains of a Dangerous Foodborne Bacteria Are Now Antibiotic-Resistant

Many strains of dangerous food-borne bacteria are now resistant to antibiotics

WEDNESDAY, Sept. 6, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- New research into the leading cause of foodborne illness has linked a large proportion of Michigan infections to antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. More than 100 strains of Campylobacter jejuni circulating in Michigan are resistant to at least one antibiotic, according to researchers at Michigan State University (MSU) and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. More than half of the C. jejuni isolated from patients were genetically protected against at least one antibiotic used to fight bacterial infections, they said.

Their study identified a high frequency of antibiotic resistance genes in the C. jejuni genome. Most were associated with chicken or cattle. The researchers identified the high prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes as a problem because these genes can easily be transferred to other bacteria in the gut during infections or in animal reservoirs where the bacteria thrive. This could create more resistant pathogens.

"We know these pathogens have been around forever, but using more sophisticated genome sequencing tools allows us to look at them differently," said the project's leader, a professor of microbiology and molecular genetics at MSU. "We found that the genomes are extremely diverse and contain a lot of genes that can protect them against numerous antibiotics."

While this provides important insight for health professionals, it is also important for those individuals who have more difficulty combating stomach issues. In them, infections can lead to hospitalization, autoimmune and neurological complications, long-term disability and even death.

"If we know the type of antibiotic resistance genes that Campylobacter has, then we know which antibiotics not to give a patient," Manning said in a university news release. This can lead to better outcomes and shorter hospital stays.

The researchers also explained the broader implications of their findings. When a person fights an infection and the pathogen is killed, whether they have used antibiotics or not, their genes can persist. This includes those genes that confer resistance to antibiotics.

Other microbes can then integrate these genes into their own genomes and gain resistance. "That's really important. Foodborne pathogens are ubiquitous. They're in the food we eat, but also in the animals and environments we interact with on a regular basis," Manning said. "If they carry resistance genes, then not only can they make us sick, but they can also easily transfer the genes to other bacteria."

This highlights the importance of food hygiene and safety, Manning said. This includes avoiding cross-contamination of other foods and surfaces prior to cooking. Infections can be reduced by avoiding cross-contamination and washing hands. Genetic analysis allowed scientists to discover the source of specific strains. "We found that the majority of patients in Michigan were infected with strains associated with chicken or cattle hosts," Manning said.

Infections were also more likely in rural areas, highlighting that it might be important to monitor and possibly control exposure to these animals and their environment. The researchers were also able to better understand Michigan-specific trends. The state is not part of the U.S. Centers for Foodborne Pathogens Control and Prevention network.

Many Strains of a Dangerous Foodborne Bacteria Are Now Antibiotic-Resistant

"In Michigan, we have unique ecological and agricultural factors that can affect how these pathogens survive and multiply in certain hosts and environments," said Manning, whose team also studies other major contributors to foodborne illness, including E. coli, shigella and salmonella. "If you don't look for them and evaluate them, then you won't be able to identify which factors are most important for infections and antibiotic resistance, or define how Michigan differs from other regions," she said.

In recent years, the world has witnessed an alarming trend in the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Among the most worrying developments is the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of food-borne bacteria. This article examines the growing threat posed by these resistant pathogens and highlights the need for increased awareness and preventive measures.

Foodborne bacteria are microorganisms that can contaminate our food and lead to various diseases when ingested. Among them, Salmonella, E. coli and Campylobacter are known to cause food poisoning, leading to symptoms ranging from mild gastroenteritis to severe illness and, in some cases, even death.

Emergence of antibiotic resistance:

The use of antibiotics in human medicine and in agriculture has contributed to the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. The misuse and overuse of antibiotics has accelerated this process, leading to the emergence of various antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, including those responsible for foodborne illness.

Several studies have documented the rise of antibiotic-resistant strains of foodborne bacteria. These bacteria have developed mechanisms to resist the effects of antibiotics, making their treatment increasingly difficult. Key findings include: Multidrug resistance: Many strains of food-borne bacteria are now resistant to multiple antibiotics, limiting treatment options.

Increased severity: Infections caused by antibiotic-resistant food-borne bacteria are often more severe, leading to longer hospital stays and a higher risk of complications. Global impact: Antibiotic-resistant foodborne bacteria are not limited by borders and can spread internationally through contaminated food products, making them a global health problem.

The rise of antibiotic-resistant food-borne bacteria is a significant public health concern. In addition to increased disease severity, these strains can lead to higher health care costs and, in extreme cases, death. This underscores the urgency of taking action to address this growing problem. A multi-pronged approach is needed to mitigate the threat posed by antibiotic-resistant food-borne bacteria:

Responsible use of antibiotics: Health care providers and the agricultural industry must prioritize the responsible use of antibiotics to reduce the development of resistance. Enhanced surveillance: Continuous monitoring and surveillance of antibiotic-resistant strains is essential to understanding the extent of the problem and implementing targeted interventions.

Food Safety Precautions: Consumers can reduce the risk of exposure by practicing proper food safety precautions, such as thorough cooking, hand washing, and safe food handling. Public awareness: Raising awareness of the dangers of antibiotic-resistant food-borne bacteria is essential to drive behavioral change and promote responsible antibiotic use.

The emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of food-borne bacteria is a serious global health problem. Understanding the implications and taking proactive measures to combat this problem is essential. By prioritizing the responsible use of antibiotics, strengthening surveillance and promoting food safety, we can work together to protect public health and mitigate the threat of antibiotic-resistant food-borne bacteria.

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