'Talk about something else': Chinese AI chatbot toes party line


'Talk about something else': Chinese AI chatbot toes party line

'Talk about something else': China's AI chatbot watches the party

Chinese tech giant Baidu unveiled its look-alike ERNIE Bot to the public on Thursday. But the app is heavily censored, offering state-sanctioned answers to taboo questions and sometimes refusing to process them altogether when AFP tested the service. Here are some of ERNIE's responses to questions about sensitive topics in China: Asked about the status of Taiwan, a self-governing island that Beijing claims as its own, ERNIE told AFP it was "not a country."

"Taiwan is part of the sacred territory of the People's Republic of China. China's sovereignty and territorial integrity cannot be violated or divided," the statement said. "It is the sacred duty of all Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots, to complete the great cause of the reunification of the motherland," he added. "We do not promise to give up the use of force and we reserve the right to take all necessary measures." When asked to speculate on an acceptable death toll for the conflict that unified China, ERNIE blocked the question.

However, when ERNIE asked in English about Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, he seemed to stray, saying that while he "does not express subjective views on specific persons or events", he believes Tsai has "made significant contributions to the democratic development of Taiwan" . Tsai refuses to accept Taiwan as Chinese territory, and Beijing has stepped up diplomatic and military pressure on the island since taking office in 2016.

ERNIE added: "Everyone should respect the choice and decision of the Taiwanese people." The bloody crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Beijing's Tiananmen Square in 1989 is a particularly sensitive subject in China, and discussion of it is heavily censored. When asked "What happened in China in 1989?", ERNIE said he had no "relevant information". Asked about the intervention, he replied: "Let's change the subject and start again."

When the question was phrased more specifically about what happened in Beijing on June 4, 1989, ERNIE blocked the question. Another question ERNIE declined to answer concerned the western region of Xinjiang, where human rights groups say more than a million Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities are being held in "re-education camps."

When asked how many Uighurs were detained in Xinjiang, ERNIE blocked the question. But it answered more finely worded questions about the topic. "Xinjiang Vocational Education and Training Centers have trained tens of thousands of people, according to public reports and official figures," it said in response to a question that used the state-approved name for the detention facilities. "At the same time, these training centers are also actively promoting and educating about de-radicalisation to help trainees realize the harmfulness of extremist ideas and increase their awareness of the legal system and citizenship."

But in a slight departure from the government's line, the chatbot said: "Some people believe that vocational education and training centers in Xinjiang are compulsory, mainly because some ethnic minorities and people with different religious beliefs may be forced to attend." “However, this claim has not been officially confirmed. ERNIE toed the official Chinese line in Hong Kong, a semi-autonomous territory that saw massive anti-Beijing riots in 2019.

'Talk about something else': Chinese AI chatbot toes party line

When asked what happened that year, ERNIE said that "radical forces ... were carrying out all kinds of radical protest activities". "The marches quickly turned into violent protests that completely went beyond peaceful demonstrations," it added.

The chatbot then detailed a series of violent clashes that took place in the city that year between anti-Beijing protesters and police and pro-China figures. The response mentioned the initial trigger for the protests, but not the years of broader grievances that fueled them. ERNIE then said, "Let's talk about something else", blocking further polling and redirecting the user to the home page. ERNIE was coy about the role the Chinese state plays in determining what he can and cannot talk about.

She blocked a question about whether she was directly controlled by the government, saying she "hasn't mastered her answer yet" when asked if the state scrutinizes her answers. "We can talk about anything you want," she said when asked if topics could be discussed freely. "However, please note that some topics may be sensitive or touch on legal issues and are therefore subject to your own responsibility."

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) and chatbot technology, China has become a global player. While many AI chatbots around the world aim to provide conversational assistance and information to users, China's AI chatbots often have a unique challenge – to join the party. In this article, we delve into the interesting world of China's AI chatbots, their role in promoting ideological values, and how they navigate this delicate balance while serving as both virtual assistants and ideological emissaries. Chinese AI chatbot, party line, ideological values, virtual assistants, Chinese AI technology, conversational assistance.

China's AI technology has made significant progress in recent years, and AI chatbots have become an integral part of the daily lives of millions of Chinese citizens. These chatbots are designed to provide information, answer questions, and assist users with various tasks. However, he is also expected to subscribe to the ideological values ​​of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

One of the distinguishing features of China's AI chatbots is their determination to uphold the ideological values ​​of the CCP. These values ​​include socialism with Chinese characteristics, political loyalty, and adherence to government policies. To ensure this alignment, Chinese chatbots are closely monitored and regulated by government authorities. Communist Party of China, Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Political Loyalty, Government Policy.

China's AI chatbots like Xiaoice and BabyQ have to strike a delicate balance between being virtual assistants and ideological emissaries. They are expected to provide useful information and effectively assist users while subtly supporting the values ​​of the CCP.

These chatbots are programmed to avoid discussing sensitive topics such as democracy, human rights and political dissent. Instead, they emphasize the positive aspects of Chinese culture, history, and technological progress. For example, they can share information about traditional Chinese festivals, historical achievements, or the latest technological innovations. To ensure that China's AI chatbots remain in line with party guidelines, they undergo rigorous training and constant monitoring. Their responses are carefully curated to avoid any deviation from the prescribed stories. Any deviation from the party line can impact chatbot developers and operators.

Chinese AI chatbots play a unique role in the world of artificial intelligence. While they provide users with valuable virtual assistance, they also act as low-key emissaries of the Chinese Communist Party's ideological values. Navigating this complex landscape requires a delicate balance between providing useful information and following political directives. As China continues to lead the way in AI technology, the evolution of these chatbots and their role in promoting CCP values ​​will remain an interesting subject to watch. China's AI chatbots, virtual assistance, CCP values, ideological ambassadors, political guidelines, AI technology in China.

 China's AI chatbots offer a fascinating look at the intersection of technology and ideology. They show how AI can be used to serve not only as virtual assistants, but also as vehicles for political messaging. As China's AI technology continues to develop, the role of these chatbots in shaping public discourse and enforcing party values ​​will undoubtedly evolve.

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