Where is Jane Priest, the model who kissed Prince Charles

Where is Jane Priest, the model who kissed Prince Charles

 Where is Jane Priest, the model who kissed Prince Charles

In 1979, King Charles was only a prince when he visited Australia on an official visit. He went jogging and swimming at Cottesloe Beach in Perth. King Charles was single at the time and people were scrutinizing his love life. Suddenly, a 26-year-old model named Jane Priest ran up to the prince and kissed him on the cheek. The incident created a famous image that people still discuss four decades later.

Jane Priest is a former model and actress. She is the model who kissed Prince Charles, now the King of England. Jane Priest became world famous when she ran up to the royal and kissed him. This opened up opportunities for her to work as a model and in commercials. However, Jane doesn't want to talk about the incident anymore because it happened many years ago and it's the only thing millions of people around the world know about her. So where is Jane Priest now?

Jane Priest was born in Australia in 1953 (she would be 70 years old as of 2023). Her mother was Margaret Priest, a famous sculptor from Western Australia. When Jane Priest was 26, her life changed when she kissed Prince Charles. Here's what you should know about Jane Priest's biography:

The famous Jane Priest incident was staged

In 1979 Prince Charles, now King Charles of England, made an official visit to Australia to represent the Queen. However, the official visit also turned into a public relations stunt when the model kissed him on the cheek. But who was the model who kissed Prince Charles?

In the 1970s, Prince Charles was considered the future heir to the throne. However, he was a busy man who enlisted in the British Army and was rarely available to the public. People also thought he was an older bachelor because he wasn't dating anyone back then. The Royals wanted to change their view of Prince Charles. So when he went to Australia, the royal family arranged for Prince Charles to meet 26-year-old model Jane Priest at Cottesloe Beach in Perth.

After choosing Jane Priest, the Royals arranged for her to meet the Prince the night before the events to make sure she was a suitable candidate. Jane Priest has been ordered to kiss Prince Charles as soon as she sees him on the beach. The next day everything worked as planned. Jane saw Prince Charles on the beach diving into the water. She wanted to follow him, but the prince got out when she did. So she followed him out of the water, ran to him and placed her hands on his chest, ready to kiss him.

Prince Charles was hesitant at first. Still, Jane Priest kissed him on the cheek. Also, Royal's photographer got the pictures he wanted and later published them in the newspaper. The photographs made the prince appear more accessible to the public. It also humanized Prince Charles and showed him as someone who could engage with the public casually and spontaneously. And while Jane Priest became famous, the event was a public relations ploy to improve his image.

Jane married a famous businessman

Where is Jane Priest, the model who kissed Prince Charles

Before she kissed Prince Charles in 1979, Jane Priest was a single mother working as a model to support her child. Jane was accompanied by his son Simon on Cottesloe Beach in Perth, Australia as she kissed Prince Charles. The priest's son is now a scientist. In 1996, 17 years later, Jane Priest married a businessman named John Baylis. John is a self-made millionaire working in the hospitality industry. According to Jane, she has been crazy happy ever since she married John. However, it is not known if they have children together.

 The personality lives a peaceful life

It is 44 years since Jane kissed Prince Charles, now King Charles. For many years people considered Jane Priest Perth's It Girl. But what is Jane Priest doing in 2023? As of 2023 today, Jane Priest refuses to speak to the press. Jane Priest worked as a model before meeting Prince Charles. But her career became more successful after the meeting. In the early 1980s, Jane appeared on the cover of Playboy magazine. She also modeled for many companies in the 1980s.

What does Jane Priest do?

After her modeling career, Jane Priest got work in television commercials. She moved to Western Australia for work before settling in Sydney's Northern Beaches. She also appeared in several television shows, including Rioda (1981), Bellamy (1981), Life Support (2002) and Where Are They Now (2006). As of 2023, Jane Priest net worth is undetermined. However, her husband is a self-made millionaire who worked in the hospitality industry. On the other hand, Jane's son Simon is a scientist in Australia.

A final word on Jane Priest

Jane Priest is a former model and actress. Many know her as the model who kissed Prince Charles 44 years ago. The Royals staged photos of Jane kissing the Prince of Wales to show she is an approachable person. In the late 1990s, Jane married a businessman named John Baylis.

Tuko.co.ke published a detailed article about Gus Lopes. Gus Lopes is the second youngest grandchild of Queen Camilla and the youngest child of Laura Lopes and Harry Lopes. His father is an accountant while his mother is an art curator. Despite his grandmother, Queen Camilla, being a member of the royal family, Gus and his family are not members of the British royal family. Camilla's grandchildren reportedly adore their stepfather, King Charles III.

In the world of royalty, intrigue and curiosity often surround the lives of those who share even the briefest of moments with prominent figures. One such heartwarming moment came when model Jane Priest shared an iconic kiss with Prince Charles. As time passed, many wondered about Jane Priest's whereabouts and the story behind that unforgettable kiss. In this article, we delve into the fascinating journey of Jane Priest and explore the relative keywords associated with her fascinating encounter with the Prince.

Jane Priest: A Brief Introduction

Jane Priest was a British model who found herself in the spotlight when she crossed paths with Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, in the 1970s. Their meeting, which took place at a charity event, resulted in a photo that would capture the imagination of people around the world.

The moment Jane Priest and Prince Charles kissed at a charity event in the 1970s became an iconic image. The photo was featured in many newspapers and magazines, making Jane Priest an overnight household name. This stirring moment etched her forever in the annals of royal history.

In the years following her brief encounter with Prince Charles, Jane Priest decided to lead a private life away from the prying eyes of the media. She decided to leave the world of modeling and take a different path. As a result, her presence in the public eye diminished and many began to wonder: where is Jane Priest now? Over the years there have been numerous speculations and rumors about Jane Priest's life after meeting Prince Charles. Some claimed that she moved abroad, while others believed that she focused on family life. However, specific information about her whereabouts remained elusive.

For those looking for information on Jane Priest's current location and life, relevant keywords come into play. People looking for details about her can use keywords like "Jane Priest kisses Prince Charles", "Where is Jane Priest now", "70s model Jane Priest" and "Jane Priest latest updates". It is important to remember that Jane Priest chose a life away from the limelight. Respecting her privacy is therefore paramount. Speculation and curiosity are natural, but it is important to ensure that all information about her is accurate and respectful.

The story of Jane Priest, the model who kissed Prince Charles, remains a riveting piece of royal history. While the world may wonder where she is, Jane Priest's decision to lead a private life deserves our respect. The keywords associated with her story serve as evidence of the enduring fascination with this iconic moment in time.

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